Our Fan Fest 2016 Tokyo impressions including the Keynote and LIVE Letter XXXIV, Eorzean Home Makeover Extreme Contest winners, Patch 3.5 Main Scenario and Dungeon previews, Patch 3.5 official photos, event reminders, and fan tweets. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Episode 73 - Might As Well Jump
Starlight Celebration, new optional items, fan kit updates, Final Fantasy 30th anniversary, free login campaign, Tokyo live stream info, Yoshida's forum post about jump potions discussion, A Stage Reborn's fan event, and fan mail. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Episode 72 - Sitting at the Tip
Culling Time Excalibur, Duty Commenced Ep 14, Free Login Campaign, Fan Fest Tokyo 2016 announcements, and shout outs. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Episode 71 - Vast Approaching
Eorzean Home Makeover Extreme Contest, Duty Commenced PvP Special, Mog Station Winter Sale, LIVE Letter XXXIII and recent Yoshida interviews discussion, and fan mail. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Episode 70 - Did You Plan This?
Patch 3.45 notes and discussion, The Feast Season Two results, The Feast Season Three begins, new optional items, developer's blog, fan mail, and how we build our gear sets. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Links from the episode:
Links from the episode:
- Reddit /ffxiv
- Katella's Corner
- FFXIV Guild
- Ariyala's Final Fantasy XIV Toolkit
- Dervy Does Theorycrafting - Patch 3.4 Stat-Weights
- Garland Tools
- Final Fantasy XIV Lodestone - Patch Notes
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Episode 69 - Fun With Goobbue Butts
New optional items are available, Dualities album information, winners of the Fan Fest Vegas Art Contest and Costume Contest, Patch 3.45 announcement, developer's tracker, and fan comments. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Episode 68 - What Happens In Vegas
Our Fan Fest 2016 Vegas impressions including the Keynote and LIVE Letter, All Saints' Wake, Stormblood announced, Playstation 4 upgrade campaign, Patch 3.45 preview, and lots of shout outs. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Fan Fest 2016 Recap with Phoenix Down Radio
Fan Fest was AMAZING and we want to share it all with you guys!
Check out our joint venture with Phoenix Down Radio and friends on the event floor:
Watch live video from on www.twitch.tv
Shout outs to Maelstrom Radio, MuseCast, Samus Rageborne/Evolved Male, Chille, community reps Luxpheras/@akhmourne, Sicycre/@dancing_fighter, Bayohne/@mattalos, with special appearances by Yoshida, Soken, and Foxclon!
Check out our joint venture with Phoenix Down Radio and friends on the event floor:
Watch live video from on www.twitch.tv
Shout outs to Maelstrom Radio, MuseCast, Samus Rageborne/Evolved Male, Chille, community reps Luxpheras/@akhmourne, Sicycre/@dancing_fighter, Bayohne/@mattalos, with special appearances by Yoshida, Soken, and Foxclon!
Monday, October 10, 2016
Episode 67 - Impressions of Surrendered Souls
Monday, October 3, 2016
Episode 67 - LIVE Impressions of Surrendered Souls
Watch live video from on www.twitch.tv
We're LIVE! Patch 3.4 impressions, new optional items available, LIVE Letter coming to Fan Fest Vegas, developer's tracker, and fan mail. Yelta and Rubicon host.
We'll release the podcast audio soon so check out the LIVE broadcast in the mean time.
We're LIVE! Patch 3.4 impressions, new optional items available, LIVE Letter coming to Fan Fest Vegas, developer's tracker, and fan mail. Yelta and Rubicon host.
We'll release the podcast audio soon so check out the LIVE broadcast in the mean time.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Episode 66 - Tightest Earthshaker
Patch 3.4 Side Story Quest and Housing previews, Patch 3.4 Trailer, LIVE Letter XXXII, a 4.0 rumor, developer's blog, and fan tweets. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Friday, September 16, 2016
Episode 65 - But It Glows
Gear Design Contest Tank Edition winners, Allagan Tomestone changes, The Primals and Susan Calloway at FanFest, Yo-Kai Watch event reminder, automatic housing demolition recommenced, FFXIV at Tokyo Game Show, Patch 3.4 dungeon and main scenario previews, and recent interviews with Yoshida. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Friday, September 2, 2016
Episode 64 - Three Years and Rising
The Rising, Patch 3.38 discussion, LIVE Letter XXXI and 14-Hour Anniversary Broadcast discussion, new optional items, and fan mail and comments. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Links from the episode:
Links from the episode:
Friday, August 19, 2016
Episode 63 - It Writes Itself
Moonfire Faire discussion, Do You Even Pose Showdown, new optional items, Tales from the Dragonsong War, FFXIV at Gamescom, 14-Hour Broadcast is soon, FanFest Vegas page update, developer's tracking, and fan mail. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Episode 62 - Nate's FATEs
Yo-kai Watch event discussion, Free Login Campaign returns, new optional item, 14-Hour Anniversary Broadcast announced, Gear Design Contest Tank Edition finalists, FanFest 2016 contests announced, Moonfire Faire announced, GamerEscape's E3 interview with Yoshida part 2, and developer's tracker. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Links from the episode:
Links from the episode:
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Episode 61 - Impressions of the Deep
Our impressions of Patch 3.35 and Palace of the Dead, EU item campaign discussion, Yo-kai Watch crossover event, The Feast Season Two, and developer's tracker.
Yelta and Rubicon host. Zante guest host.
Links from the episode:
Links from the episode:
And our very own Spoony in Irving glamour:
Friday, July 15, 2016
Episode 60 - Deep Hype
Deep Dungeon Palace of the Dead recent information, discussion, and speculation, Heavensward Primal Haiku contest winners, The Feast Season One ends soon, and lots of developer's blog and tracker. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Friday, July 1, 2016
Episode 59 - Scrip Killa
Fan Fest 2016 ticket buying anxiety discussion and more, Campus Party Mexico 2016 announced, Summer DLC Campaign extension, new optional items, developer's blog, and fan mail. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Episode 58 - No More Tears
E3 LIVE Letter and interviews discussion, details on Fan Fest 2016 in Las Vegas, FFXIV Amazon Summer DLC Campaign, Hatchling Earring is here, developer's blog, and fan comments and tweets. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Thank you to these interviews:
Thank you to these interviews:
- Nova Crystallis - Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter @ E3 2016 Summary
- Gamer Escape - E3 2016 Interview With Naoki Yoshida
- Polygon - Square Enix in talks to bring Final Fantasy 14 to Xbox One
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Episode 57 - Impressions of Revenge
Our spoiler free impressions of Patch 3.3, Gear Design Contest Tank Edition announced, FFXIV at E3, Fan Kit update, and shout outs. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Episode 56 - Before the Horde
No spoilers! Patch 3.3 trailer, 3.3 previews, Famitsu interview with Yoshida discussion, Heavensward Primal Haiku contest announced, Duty Commenced Ep 13, new optional items, and developer's blog. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Episode 55 - Tentacle Jokes Never Die
LIVE Letter XXX notes and discussion, Make It Rain campaign, Heavensward music contest winners, Patch 3.3 previews, developer's blog, fan mail, and tentacle jokes. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Episode 54 - More Brooms Please
LIVE Letter XXX announcement, Duty Commenced Ep 12, Culling Time N.A. announced, additional plots and housing price adjustments, Fan Fest 2016 teaser site, developer's blog and tracker, and fan mail. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Episode 53 - And Now My Watch Begins
LIVE Letter 29 notes and discussion, Yoshi-P's birthday, new optional items, EU Culling Time, Duty Commenced announced, round table discussion, and fan mail.
Yelta and Rubicon host. Luna Vox guest host.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Episode 52 - Little Fuzzy Butts
PAX East 2016 FFXIV Panel Q&A and discussion, Gamer Escape's FFXIV Lore Book Interview With Koji Fox, LIVE Letter 29 details, developer's blog, and fan mail.
Yelta and Rubicon host.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Episode 51 - Organic Grass Fed Chocobos
Announcing Niconico Chokaigi 2016, Duty Commenced Ep 11, LIVE Letter 28 Digest, Patch 3.26 notes, Feast Season One, FFXIV at PAX East announced, developer's blog and tracker, and salty community discussion. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Gather Together /Playtime Contest Winners!
Freja Vanir on Couerl - 532 days, 1 hour, 1 minute
Tuan Tao on Zalera - 500 days, 16 hours, 31 minutes
Exact /playtime for Yelta and Rubicon on 2/28/2016 was 544 days, 33 hours, 32 minutes
Congratulations to our winners and we'll have another contest soon!
Episode 50 - Work That Chocobo
Patch 3.25 notes and discussion, new optional item, ChocoGo, developer's tracker, forum post discussion, fan mail, and winners of the Gather Together Playtime Contest. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Episode 49 - Buy Me A Slurpee
LIVE Letter Part XXVIII notes and discussion, Free Login Campaign reminder, Heavensward Music Contest reminder, developer's blog, and fan comments.
Yelta and Rubicon host.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Episode 48 - Show Everyone Your Bird
Free Login Campaign reminder, NA Duty Commenced Culling Time, Patch 3.22 notes, LIVE Letter VIII update, developer's blog and tracker, fan mail and comments, and Gather Together Playtime Contest reminder. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Episode 47 - You're So Vain
Patch 3.21 notes, The Feast discussion, LIVE Letter XXVIII announced, free login campaign, Hatching Tide announced, XBOX One speculation, developer's blog, and fan comments. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Episode 46 - The Emo White Mage
Little Ladies' Day, Heavensward Music Contest, The Feast preview, new optional items, Gather Together Playtime Contest, developer's blog, and fan comments.
Yelta and Rubicon host.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Gather Together /Playtime Contest!
The rules:
*Guess the /playtime of Rubicon and Yelta that was taken on 2/28/16
*Post your guess in the comments section of this post in the format of /playtime: XX Days, XX Hours, XX Minutes (e.g. 100 Days, 45 Hours, 30 Minutes)
*Post your in-game name, server, and a way to contact you; Your guess must be in the comment section to be accepted but you may privately email us the contact information
*Your guess cannot go past the combined /playtime, The Price is Right style (e.g. Guess 1 - 90 Days, Guess 2 - 101 Days, Actual - 100 Days = Guess 1 wins)
*Contest closes at midnight on April 1st
*Two winners will be announced, the prize is any one item from the Mog Station valued USD $15 or less.
*Listen to Episode 45 - Impressions of Changing Gears for contest details
Good luck!
Episode 45 - Impressions of Changing Gears
Spoiler-free impressions of patch 3.2, Heavensward Music Contest announced, Little Ladies' Day announced, recent Yoshida forum responses, and the Gather Together Playtime Contest. Yelta and Rubicon host. Zante guest host.
Friday, February 19, 2016
Episode 44 - Minfilia is a Linkpearl
LIVE Letter 27 digest released, more Patch 3.2 previews, Patch 3.2 trailer, and developer's blog and tracker.
Yelta and Rubicon host.
Friday, February 12, 2016
Episode 43 - Giant Lore Load
Valentione's Day comparison, Patch 3.2 previews, Duty Commenced Ep 10, developer's blog and tracker, and fan mail and tweets.
Yelta and Rubicon host.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Episode 42 - Tentacles of Change
Our thoughts and impressions of LIVE Letter XXVII, Valentione's Day announced, fan kit update, Discord recognition, and developer's blog.
Yelta and Rubicon host. Zante guest host.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Episode 41 - Zero Suit
Guest Samus Rageborne discusses his in-game philosophy, LIVE Letter XXVII speculation, the community team is recruiting, Starlight Celebration Comic Strip contest winners, and fan mail.
Yelta and Rubicon host. Samus guest host.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Episode 40 - Parley at the Border
LIVE Letter XXVII announced, LIVE Letter XXVI digest, disk space requirement changes, Titan 1.0 cut scene, Lucrezia disband announcement, developer's blog, and fan mail.
Yelta and Rubicon host.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Episode 39 - Weird Scenes Inside the Salt Mine
4Gamer interview with Yoshida, news of the loss of Sian Blake, Heavensward OST announced, Grekumah leaves the NA community team, discussion on a Reddit post, and developer tracking.
Yelta and Rubicon host.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Episode 38 - Full Steam Ahead
Heavensturn discussion, Yoshida's New Year's greeting, a new award for FFXIV, Fan Fest 2016 discussion, and fan mail. Yelta and Rubicon host.
Friday, January 1, 2016
Episode 37 - It's Not About the Milk
Patch 3.15 notes, LIVE Letter 26 Q&A discussion, Starlight Celebration comic strip contest, Heavensturn announcement, Fan Fest 2016 announcement, our New Year resolutions, and fan tweets. Yelta, Kariri, and Rubicon host.
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